Bryan Brinkman: Uniqueness, Storytelling & Sharing your Work (Interview)
Who is Bryan Brinkman?
Bryan Brinkman is an award-winning multimedia artist and crypto art creator based in New York, USA. He graduated from the University of the Arts, Philadelphia with a degree in animation and started his career in advertising and television.
In 2020, he took a deep dive into the realm of NFTs, fusing his expertise in motion graphics with his genuine love for art and the narrative capacities of the digital medium. His work is known for being colorful, playful and a lot of times full of motion.
His works have been featured at the most important auction houses of the world, such as Sotheby’s and Christie’s, as well as curated NFT platforms such as SuperRare, NiftyGateway, and Art Blocks.
Bryan Brinkman
What is something you wish someone had told you before becoming an artist?
That despite art having contests and awards, it is not a competition.
You will likely never be the best at anything, but you can be unique and successful regardless.
What does your creating process look like?
My creative process often begins with sketches, storyboards, and animation concepts. Then it becomes a building process of creating assets and puzzling them together to tell a story visually.
NimBuds #19 by Bryan Brinkman
What activity do you fall into when you are trying to enhance your creativity?
I find education is the best way to seed creativity. Learning new tools or watching tutorials can spark new ways to approach your work.
What do you benefit the most when working with NFTs and the blockchain?
The biggest for me was the ability to turn animations into authenticated collectible artworks, which was never possible prior.
On top of that, having digital provenance both in my own and the collector's history adds so much to the work.
Step by Bryan Brinkman
What is one thing you think artists should focus more on, and why?
Spending time telling your story. Showing how and why you create builds stronger connections with the art.
What’s a book or an article that has greatly influenced your life?
The Animator's Survival Kit by Richard Williams is the foundation for most of the skills I've built on. It explains motion, illustration, and direction.
Optic by Bryan Brinkman
What habit or practice has changed your life the most?
Sharing art online.
For 20 years I have actively shared artwork on social sites like Tumblr, Instagram, Twitter, etc, and that led to connections and opportunities that changed my life.
What are you willing to struggle for?
Having the general public understand and appreciate that digital art is fine art.
Time to be Happy by Bryan Brinkman
Which of your past experiences/learnings have set you up for success in the present?
Working jobs in retail and food industries where I had to grow social skills.
A big part of being a digital artist is having conversations with platforms, collectors, and artists. Those jobs allow you to meet people rapidly and prepare you.
If you could give yourself one piece of advice every day, which one would it be?
“Don’t forget to save the file”.
Overcast by Bryan Brinkman
Learn more from Bryan
Something to read:
The Future of Art Is Digital, An Interview with NFT Artist Bryan Brinkman
Something to watch:
Being a full-time artist in 2023 with Bryan Brinkman
Something to listen to:
Bryan Brinkman in the Blockchain Experience